June 25-27, 2021 at 1pm. June 2020 Reenactment CANCELLED due to COVID 19
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Battle of the Little Bighorn Reenactment is held on the banks
of the Little Bighorn River where Sitting Bull's Camp was between Crow Agency &
Garryowen, MT (only 1 hour south of Billings, MT)!!
This Battle has also been called Custer's
Last Stand and the Battle of the Greasy Grass.
Hosted by the Real Bird Family, the 29th Annual Battle of the Little Bighorn
Re-enactment is held at 1 pm. 2020 Reenactment cancelled due to COVID19 and lockdowns. Next Reenactment 25, 26, and 27 June 2021 on the 145th Anniversary of "Custer's Last Stand".
Learn and experience the historic struggle for control of the West by visiting the amazing
Little Bighorn Reenactment firsthand - where the Sioux Nation was encamped. The
Reenactment is located just south of Crow Agency, MT and between the historic
points of Custer's Last Stand Hill, Reno's Charge / Retreat, and Reno - Benteen
Battlefield. Held at Medicine Tail Coulee and Minneconjou Ford, this is where Custer's Battalion
was closest to the village and where E and F Troops were sent to attack the
Indian village. This battle is located between the Little Bighorn National
Park/Museum and Garryowen/Custer's Battlefield Museum.
Only here will you see Native American riders riding bareback portraying warriors of the Souix, Cheyenne and Crow tribes. No whites riding as braves! You will see them and Cavalry riders crash across the Little Bighorn River as was done on June 25th.
7th Cavalry Riders wearing the appropriate attire of troopers on the plains with McClellan saddles/gear. Some of the riders have been training for all week with Custer's Last Ride 8 day adventure with US Cavalry school.
This reenactment has been an invitation only event for riders; for questions call Jim or Keith; see FAQ link.
Witness Bvt. Major General Armstrong Custer, played by
Steve Alexander (recognized by Congress to be today's foremost Custer
Historian), and the 7th US Cavalry Troopers come out of the Medicine Tail Coulee
and clash with authentic Indian Braves as they both cross the Little Bighorn River,
showcasing their great riding ability, to recreate that famous day of June 25th, 1876. This reenactment briefly
reviews the history of the interaction of the Whites and the Native Americans in
the West, Native American culture and Horsemanship, and the major battles of the
Northern Tribes. Experience with all your senses this epic battle of 600 7th US
Cavalry and over 1,800 Warriors of Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe Indian
Nations. The Battle of the Little Bighorn Reenactment started almost twenty
years ago, to share more of the Native American story of the Indian Wars and to
have the reenactment on the ground where the teepees of the Indian Village were
located, between Custer's Last Stand Hill and Reno-Benteen Battlefield. There is so
many activities to enjoy during this week in Montana; Crow Native days are this week. This
includes the Pow-Wow, Crow Parade Friday morning through Crow Agency, Ultimate Warrior Competition,
Indian Rodeo, and more. Hardin, MT has hosted their Little Bighorn Days celebration during this week; it
includes a Fair, parades, Carnival and this year a Rodeo. They have hosted the Custer's Last Stand Reenactment for quite a few years on a hill west of town,
about 20 miles north of the battlefield; Hardin has CANCELLED their Custer's Last Stand Reenactment for 2015. The Little Bighorn reenactment at Crow Agency/Garryowen
Will be the only show in 2015/2016/2017; so come early to get your seat.
This battle has been called Custer's Last Stand for over a century, with the
National Park service renaming of the Battlefield monument and park to Little
Bighorn Battlefield, "Battle of the Little Bighorn" has become more prominent.
The Indian tribes have always referred to the battle as "The Battle of the
Greasy Grass", come and learn why this name is used to describe the land of the
Battlefield. Ask a trooper or a brave about it.

Driving Directions: Located on the eastern frontage road between Crow
Agency, MT and Garryowen, Mt.
From Billings, MT: travel south on Interstate 90 until you reach Crow
Agency, MT. Exit Hi-way at Little Bighorn Memorial Exit, turn east (left) and
cross over Highway. Turn Right on Frontage Rd and travel @ 2 miles then turn
left on to Real Bird Loop. Follow signs to the far side of loop and the
From Sheridan, WY: Travel North on Interstate 90 until you reach
Garryowen, MT. Exit Hi-way turn right. Immediately turn left (away from
Garryowen Museum and Subway) on Frontage Rd and travel @ 1.5 miles then turn right
on to Real Bird Loop. Follow signs to the far side of loop and the reenactment.
Tips for Attending: Arrive early due to bleacher seating is on a first
come basis. Feel free to interact with re-enactors and tour the vendor tents,
Indian tepees, and (with permission) the cavalry camps. It could be sunny
and hot or windy and rainy so bring sunscreen, hat, and a light coat, it's
Montana if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes it probably will change.
Some re-enactments do not allow photographs or video cameras, but WE believe
this re-enactment is for you - so bring your cameras!!

The 8 Day Little Bighorn Cavalry Course and "Custer's
Last Ride" Adventure with the Reenactment is 18-26 June 2016. Learn U.S.
Cavalry riding of the 1870s, while you experience Little Bighorn/Custer's Last
Stand Military Staff Ride, mounted Battlefield tours, Cavalry and Native
American history, horsemanship,
tactics, firearms; as well as excitement, friendship, and professional Cavalry Training.
For slideshows, pictures, and more information - Click here:

There are many local events, historical
sites, other reenactments and points of interest along the Bozeman Trail and in
Montana and Wyoming. We encourage you to come and enjoy an amazing vacation
teamed with our awe inspiring history lesson.
For questions on price and filming see Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) link above.The Reenactment last about 90
minutes; Cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children 7 to 13 years of age; children under 7 free. Tickets sold at gate only. Call Jim Real Bird, 406-679-3825, for questions. For quick processing at the entrance; exact change is appreciated.
Contact our webmaster via email: All rights reserved.
We are committed to preserving the history of the Little
Bighorn Battle and it's participants. See great Native American braves riding bareback on their war ponies;
see small skits on the history of the West; from Native life on plains, Lewis & Clark/Jim Bridger, Fetterman Massacre, Laramie Treaty and ending with Custer's Last Stand. See Cavalry troopers in McClellan Army Saddles/Tack and wearing the wool uniforms of the period (Pleated 72, Piped 74, Canvas tops, sack coats and more - Shell Jackets only for Laramie and Fetterman). |